Spring and SummerSessions of  Wicklow Soundbaths

Wednesday evenings fortnightly,  7.30pm- 8.30pm

Wed  April  24th. May 8th and 22nd 2024.

Venue:The Soul Sanctuary, New St, Wicklow Town A67 TW52


Spring  and Summer Soundbaths are also on at Kilcoole Community Centre, Lott Lane, Kilcoole. A63 X862

Saturday afternoons each month 5.00pm – 6.00pm

 Sat April 13th,  Sat May 11th  and Sat June 15th 2024.

All Soundbaths,  €20 per session (or €50 for 3 booked together  consecutively, in advance)

You must book in advance as places are limited.

Email Denise on the contact page to reserve your place. Pay directly by Paypal or Revolut.

During a sound bath you are immersed in an amazing mix of therapeutic sounds and vibrations, from Tibetan singing bowls, Crystal bowls, energy chimes, (I use Solfeggio frequency chimes/pipes) tuning forks, drums, gongs, voice and silence. There is no water involved. The water is inside of you.

A sound bath is healing to the mind, body and spirit.

Some people use a sound bath as a meditation. A sound bath will take you on a journey into deep relaxation, and help to induce a wonderful feeling of peace and calm.

How does it work?

Every cell in your body vibrates at  a particular frequency. As the the sound travels through your body, which is made up of over 70% water, the healing frequencies and vibrations are absorbed by every cell, tissue and organ, helping to release tension and stress, and return the body to a state of homeostatis.

What happens during the sound bath?

You lie on the floor on a yoga mat, or similar, with cushion and blankets for warmth and comfort. When the sound begins, you close your eyes, relax and listen, as you enter a world of vibration, sensation and experience.

What happens afterwards?

Most people have a deep feeling of relaxation. although some do find it stimulating and energising. The days following a sound bath can see old emotions released, with feelings of stress and tension reduced, and a continued feeling of calm.

NB.  CAUTIONS. Please do not attend soundbaths if you are in the first 3 months of pregnancy, have a pacemaker fitted, have any metal implants fitted in the last 6 months, or  have had major surgery in the last 3 months. This is for your own safety, and shows the power sound and its vibrations have, to travel through your body. Thank you.


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